Mathopoly is a game enhanced L2TL based off of the board game Monopoly and Spencer Elementary’s 5th grade math curriculum. Following the same game mechanics as Monopoly, Mathopoly makes players answer math questions in order to receive money. The goal for our game isn’t just about winning, it is about challenging the player’s math skills. Ultimately, we want Mathopoly to serve as an end of the year culmination review. Topics will include place value, multiplying and dividing whole numbers, volume, fractions, and measurements of data.


Objective of the Game:

This game is an adaptation of the already popular game, Monopoly. With this, the objective of the game is rather similar to its original predecessor: become the wealthiest player through buying, renting, and selling properties. In Mathopoly, however, players must also make money by correctly answering math-related trivia questions. 

Learning Goal:

The learning goal of Mathopoly is to review each unit of this year’s math curriculum and correctly answer as many questions as possible.

Players: 2 – 4 players or teams


  1. Mathopoly Game Board
  2. Money 
  3. Property Cards
  4. Dice
  5. Blue and Purple Trivia Cards
  6. Player Game Pieces 
  7. House Pieces
  8. Mathopoly answer sheet
  9. *optional* Scratch paper for each player

Game Set-Up:

  1. Place the Matholopy board on a table.
  2. Place the trivia cards face down in the two piles on the allotted spaces based on their color on the board.
  3. Each player chooses one game piece to represent them while traveling around the board.
  4. One player (or instructor) takes on the role of Banker.
  5. Each player is given $720 from the Banker divided as follows:
    1. 1 x $500, 1 x $100, 1 x $50’s, 2 x $20’s, 2 x $10’s, 1 x $5, and 5 x $1’s.
  6. Place all game pieces on either corner space marked “Draw Purple or Blue” 

Game Rules:

  1. The game can be played with individuals or teams. The youngest player starts first and the game moves clockwise from there.
  2. On their turn, each player rolls the dice and moves the number of spaces indicated by the dice.
  3. The game pieces remain on the space that they land on until they proceed on the player’s next turn. Two or more game pieces may rest on the same space at the same time.
  4. If one or both dice roll off the board, or land on or lean against a card deck, the roll is invalid. Roll both dice again.
  5. If a player’s throw doubles, they move their game piece accordingly and then roll again. 
  6. If a player’s game piece lands on a property space on the board, they can choose to buy the property. If another player has already purchased that property, they must pay that player the “Rent” price that is written on the property card. 
  7. If a player’s game piece lands on a “Draw Purple” or “Draw Blue” space, they must draw a card from the corresponding deck and answer the question prompted to them. Depending on their answer’s accuracy, players will either collect or pay the amount of money written on the card. Players are allowed to use a scratch piece of paper while solving the problem. Answers can be double checked on the Mathopoly answer sheet by looking at the corresponding color and number on the corner of the trivia card.  
  8. Once a player is finished with their card, they should discard it to the side. If all of the cards from one pile run out, draw from the remaining pile until the game concludes.

Buying and Exchanging Property:

  1. When a player lands on a property that is not already owned by another player, they can buy that property from the Banker at its printed price.
  2. If a player gives more money than the designated price, they must calculate the change they receive from the Banker and give a verbal response. 
  3. Once a player purchases a property, they receive the Title Deed card showing ownership.
  4. Players can negotiate their property for someone else’s (“I will give you 2 of my properties plus 500 dollars for your one property”).
  5. If a player’s game piece lands on a property space that they already own, they are allowed to build a House on it only if they own all of the other properties within that same color group. If a house is placed on the property, the Tax on that property increases based on what the Title Deed indicates. It is more advantageous to have Houses on properties because then rents become much higher.

Paying Rent:

  1. When a player’s game piece lands on a property that is owned by another player, they must pay Rent to the owner. The rent price is printed on its Title Deed card.
  2. If the property is mortgaged, its Title Deed card is placed face down in front of the owner and they can not collect a rent

Getting out of The Principal’s office:

  1. If a player is sent to the Principal’s Office, they must remain there and skip their turn until they roll doubles on the die (i.e. two 2s or 2 6s). 
  2. If the player still has not rolled doubles after two full rounds, they are free to leave the Office.
  3. Players can also use a “Get Out of The Principal’s Office” card to leave the Office. 

End of the Game:

  1. The game ends when all of the trivia cards run out. When this happens, each player (or team) must add up their remaining cash as well as all of their properties mortgage prices indicated on the back of the property cards. The player with the highest sum is the winner. 
  2. If a player (or team) reaches bankruptcy before the game concludes, they must retire from the game. 

FOR EDUCATORS: How to create the game

In order to create your own Mathopoly game, the following materials are required:

  1. Blank index cards to create trivia questions
  2. Monopoly Materials (Board, Dice, Property Cards, Money, Game Pieces)
  3. Paint or Duct Tape to customize board spaces
  4. Markers to customize board spaces and index cards

To create Mathopoly, the instructor should write questions on the blank index cards that vary in difficulty and come with a certain monetary value. We recommend that more difficult questions be worth more money in order to add incentive to challenge players. For example cards, see the attached materials. Using the paint or duct tape, cover-up the following spots and replace them with “draw a card” spaces:

  1. All 4 Railroad spots
  2. Income Tax 
  3. Luxury Tax 
  4. Electric Company
  5. Water Works 
  6. All Chance spots
  7. All Community Chest spots

After these spaces are covered and the 2 piles of cards are created, you are ready to play the game! If desired, you can also use paint or other art supplies to customize the properties on the board in order to tailor them to your school, region, state, etc. 


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